Cracking open the perception of what theatre is, or can be, while encountering joy at all turns.
Tea Time Creation Co. is a Kjipuktuk (Halifax) based theatre company who seek to subvert the status quo with heart, laughter and wacky fun.
Est. 2014 by Ailsa Galbreath, Gina Thornhill, James Maclean and Kathleen Dorian: we are an emerging company of devisers with experience in collaborative and site-specific work. We are interested in seeking ways to connect to our audience and facilitate the audience connecting with one another through honesty and play.
The foundation of Tea Time’s work is play; we describe our approach as ‘clown’. Clown, to us, lives in the playful dialogue created between performers and audience. The performers exist teetering on the edge between success and failure. Through the vulnerability and authenticity earned in moments of failure, the audience becomes complicit with the performers and the play emerges. These principles are derived from Philippe Gaulier’s red-nose style of clown.
As a company our hallmark is playful authenticity. As a group which has been performing together for 9 years, Tea Time has begun to delve into classical or “classic” modern works in a way that aims to break down the barrier between the audience and the play itself. To achieve this, we create work in site-specific locations that allow the performance to be unique, and do not make the audience feel as though they need to sit down and be quiet, as in a traditional theatre.
Tea Time's work has reflected this desire in ambient clowning for the Antigonish Arts Fair, the Halifax Motion Ball, Narratives in Space + Time and as a part of Magnetic North Theatre Festival’s local outreach in 2014. Our original works include First Date Last Date (Halifax Fringe 2017, "Fringiest Fringe" award), Gina Is Dead (Halifax Fringe 2018), Romeo & Juliet: A Drink Along (2018, 2019), A Midsummer Night's Wet Dream (2022).
Our company continues to collaborate on audience-interactive and site-specific work, with a desire to test boundaries and make people laugh.